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Associate Positions

Travel the world and use your skills to make a difference in low-income indigenous communities in the Ecuadorian Andes.

Want to use your professional skills to help low-income rural communities in Ecuador? This position is for you!

Associate Positions Available

Work alongside the founder and key stakeholders to help design and implement a fundraising strategy that will have long- term success.

NGO Fundraising Specialist

Manage a volunteer programme. Coordinate and help with the cooking and chores to create a clean and welcoming space for visitors and locals to live and work.

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Work alongside the founder and other key stakeholders to help design and implement a marketing strategy that will have long-term success.

Social Enterprise Marketing Specialist

Lead the building and maintenance of a thriving cultural exchange centre. Work on new building projects and help with the routine maintenance.

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Building &
Maintenance Specialist

Work alongside the founder and other key stakeholders to help with daily financial and administrative tasks. Help improve procedures and processes for long- term success.

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 Finance & Admin Specialist

Lead the building and maintenance of the gardens and landscape around the cultural exchange centre, situated in the heart of the Ecuadorian Andes.

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Permaculture & Gardening Specialist

Work alongside the founder and other key stakeholders to help with daily business development tasks. Help improve procedures and processes for long- term success.

Business Development Specialist

Let us know if you have other professional skills that could help El Terreno! We look forward to hearing from you.

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Have other skills you would like to share?

Use your profesional skills abroad and tackle new challenges

Where We're Making Impact

The global goals for sustainable development

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Recommended by Previous Participants


Use your skills.
Make a Difference.
Travel the World.

Sustainability Work Experience

Position Details

Work Days: Monday - Friday mornings

Time Commitment: 25 hours per week

Duration: 12-24 weeks

Remote or In-Person


What's Included

  • Support with Travel Logistics

  • Cooked Lunches Monday-Friday

  • Free-Time Activity Recommendations

  • Cultural Immersion in a Rural Community

  • Written Personal Reference

  • 20mb/s fiberoptic WiFi

  • Shared Dormitory Accommodation Including

    • Essential amenities (bedsheets, blankets, hand soap, bottled water, and toilet paper)

    • Shared bathroom and shower stalls, with hot water facilities

    • Access to a communal kitchen

    • Personal storage space for food items

    • Dedicated hand-washing station for laundry

    • Available office amenities (desks, projector, whiteboard)

    • Recreational activities (hammock, ping pong table, guitar)


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El Terreno Guaranda

Atandahua, Guaranda, Bolívar, Ecuador


+593 981971920


Business Registration Number for
'El Terreno': 1759628769


Charity Registration Number for
'Fundación El Terreno':

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  • Whatsapp

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